On 03/09/10 08:58, Emmanuel Opio wrote:
> Hi,
>       Am studying at a University in E. Africa but the problem is that our
> server administrators blocked "ftp" and filtered out images, so we can not
> download any image file, the most common extension for operating systems.
>   I was just requesting then if there is a HTTP site with zipped freeBSD
> image files ready for download. It would really help a number of us out
> here.
> Thanks abundantly,
> Yours sincerely,
> Emmanuel

I could set up a place on one of my websites for this purpose. Just tell
me which image you want and I'll get to work on it.

I'll keep the image up for a month or two (or until my host complains
about it) so I'll provide a link for others in similar situations.

Yours In Christ,

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