# cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion
# make showconfig
===> The following configuration options are available for subversion-1.6.9:
     MOD_DAV_SVN=on "mod_dav_svn module for Apache 2.X"
     APACHE2_APR=on "Use APR from Apache 2.X"
     MOD_DONTDOTHAT=off "mod_dontdothat for Apache 2.X"
     NEON=on "WebDAV/Delta-V repo access module (neon)"
     SERF=off "WebDAV/Delta-V repo access module (serf)"
     SASL=off "SASL2 authorization support"
     BDB=on "db4 repository backend"
     ASVN=off "Build and install Archive SVN (asvn)"
     MAINTAINER_DEBUG=off "Build debug version"
     SVNSERVE_WRAPPER=off "Enable svnserve wrapper"
     STATIC=off "Build static version (no shared libs)"
     BOOK=off "Install the Subversion Book"
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
about encrypting cached passwords (for gnome or kde clients), the official
subversion-1.6. doc says
the binaries must be compiled with the --with-genome-keyring /
--with-kwallet parameter.
I don't see anything about that in make showconfig
How to do it?
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