On Wed, 17 Mar 2010 16:44:43 +0300, Антон Клесс
<antoniok....@gmail.com> wrote:
> It doesn't helps me.
> Then I try this:
> # env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libpng.so.5  |grep png
> LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libpng.so.5
> # env |grep png
> #
> Is it OK that env doesn't save its status (LD_PRELOAD)?

You should put the whole command on a single line (e-mail cuts off the
lines here):

#env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libpng.so.5 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22

In essence you're just restarting Apache in the usual BSD way, but with an
ad-hoc added environment variable. The env command doesn't save its
changes, but that is correct behaviour. I haven't tested this with a 'real'
environment variable yet because I decided to roll back the upgrade to wait
for the issue to be solved.


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