On 03/28/10 09:46, Sergio de Almeida Lenzi wrote:
> this scripts outputs the commands needed to fix the system

I'm having some problems with the script.

> watch out
> ==================================
> #!/bin/sh
> endp() {
>       rm -f $t
>       exit $1
> }
> t=/tmp/$$
> if [ $# -ne 1 ]
> then
>       echo use $0 library
>       endp 1
> fi
> lib=$1
> find /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib -name -type f | \

Is the 'f' a typo? I had to remove it because find kept on erroring on it.

> while read x
> do
>       grep $lib $x | \
>       awk '{print $3}' | \
>       while read y
>       do
>               pkg_info -W $y  >> $t
>       done
> done
> awk '{print $NF}' $t | sort -u > /tmp/buildpkglist
> echo nice portmaster -Bdg `cat /tmp/buildpkglist`
> endp 0

The final output (after removing the stray 'f'):

./portmaster-script jpeg
awk: can't open file /tmp/42352
 source line number 1
nice portmaster -Bdg

ran as regular user and root to no different affect.

I switched out all instances of awk for grep with the following result:

./portmaster-script jpeg
grep: /tmp/42436: No such file or directory
nice portmaster -Bdg

Thanks for the suggestion, but this script doesn't seem to work on my
system and I can't seem to figure out what exactly is causing it to fail.

Yours In Christ,

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