>> On 21/04/2010 09:36:24, mcoyles wrote:

M> I'm actually trying to kill the following in one swep if they've taken
M> more than 8 hours to complete... :

M> 62221  ??  S      0:27.11 gzip -q
M> 62223  ??  DL     0:01.80 /sbin/dump -0 -auf - /usr (dump)
M> 62224  ??  DL     0:01.79 /sbin/dump -0 -auf - /usr (dump)
M> 62225  ??  DL     0:01.81 /sbin/dump -0 -auf - /usr (dump)

   If they're running under the same process groupid, then sending it a
   signal via killpg(2) would kill them all.  Two things that might help:

   * The default blocksize (Kb/output block) in dump used to be 10, but you
     could go as high as 64.  Check the -b option.

   * Use "gzip -1q" for speed at the cost of slightly less compression.
     "compress -c" also works very well on dump images, and it's fast.

Karl Vogel                      I don't speak for the USAF or my company

phrasemonger, noun: a person who uses phrases or quotes that
were coined by other people.          --http://www.wordspy.com/TechWordSpy/
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