On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:26:02 -0400
Lowell <freebsd-questions-lo...@be-well.ilk.org> articulated:

> Jerry <freebsd.u...@seibercom.net> writes:
> > I just did a fresh install of FreeBSD-8.0/amd64. Previously, I had
> > FreeBSD-7.3/i386  installed. It appears the the size of "/" has
> > increased dramatically.
> >
> > $ df -H
> > Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> > /dev/ad0s1a    1.0G    527M    428M    55%    /
> > devfs          1.0k    1.0k      0B   100%    /dev
> > /dev/ad0s1d    520M     18k    478M     0%    /tmp
> > /dev/ad0s1e    236G    6.0G    212G     3%    /usr
> > /dev/ad1s1d    238G    720M    218G     0%    /var
> >
> > When I attempted to build World and a new kernel after first
> > installing 8.0, I received an error that "/" was at 106% and the
> > process stopped. I reinstalled 8.0 and increased the size to 1.0G
> > and now everything appears to be working correctly.
> >
> > In my old installation, the root directory only used a minuscule
> > amount of space. Why has it increased so dramatically in 8.0/amd64?
> New modules, mostly.

OK, in that case, the install utility should be updated to allocate a
larger share to the root directory. As I stated, I ran out of room
while doing an initial World/Kernel build. Perhaps a mention in the
documentation would also be beneficial.

Just my 2ยข.


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