On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 08:30:28PM -0500, Doug Poland wrote:
> Hello,
> I've got a restore process running now that doesn't seem to want to
> end.  The dump (level 0) was made this morning and sent to another
> host on the network.  I reformatted the partition and am restoring the
> 43GB dump as such...
> restore#  cd /data && nc -l 1234 | restore -rf-
> backup% nc restore 1234 < data.dump
> I watched the file system slowly fill up for about 4 hours, then
> network and disk I/O dropped dramatically after the restore file
> system is roughly the same size as the dump file.  Yet the restore is
> still running.
What I ended up doing was hitting <CTRL> C on the host that was sending
the data.  Then the receiving host doing restore set the permissions
correctly and ended.  I wonder why reading a restore from stdin causes
this behavior?

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