While I am able to send to the list I might as well make use of it :)

I've been trying out some games for my kids to play, and I believe I've
heard of FreeOrion (or similar) before. Trouble is it won't work for the
life of me...

When I first ran it I got this message:
Failed to initialize GEM.  Falling back to classic.
Assertion failed: (0 != this->mask_), function posix_charset_matcher,
 line 40.
Abort (core dumped)

So I tried updating and went through all the issues of changing openal
in the process (something which I had been delaying), and finally found
the message had changed to this:
/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libopenal.so.0" not found, required
by "libalut.so.1"

So, in the interests of science I decided to simply link libopenal.so to
libopenal.so.0, and I got back to the old message again.

Searching on google hasn't revealed anything either.

I'm running FreeBSD-RC2 AMD64 (I know... I have to update to RELEASE.
I'll be doing that as soon as I get a replacement HDD in this unit here
- this one's on its last legs).

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