
On FreeBSD 7.3-STABLE I have a job in my root crontab that is executed
every night:

5 0 * * *  /usr/sbin/quotaoff -a; /sbin/quotacheck -aug; /usr/sbin/quotaon -a;

Today I've found out that two quotaon processes stucked in 'syncer'
state in top ('D' state in ps). No quotaon/quotaoff can be started

# /usr/sbin/quotaoff -a
quotaoff: /home: Operation already in progress
quotaoff: /home: Operation already in progress

And these processes can not be killed. Here is ps/top output:

# ps auwwx | grep 'quot[a]'
root       2462  0.0  0.0  4608   912  ??  D    Thu12AM   0:00.03
/usr/sbin/quotaon -a
root      60450  0.0  0.0  4608   928  ??  D    Fri12AM   0:00.04
/usr/sbin/quotaon -a

# top -b -Uroot 100500 | grep quota
60450 root          1  -4    0  4608K   928K syncer 4   0:00  0.00% quotaon
 2462 root          1  -4    0  4608K   912K syncer 5   0:00  0.00% quotaon

Is there any way to finish these stucked processes without reboot?

// cronfy
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