Darren Gamble wrote:

Good day,

I posted a question last week on my inability to get FreeBSD installed on a
machine with a Mylex DAC960PTL1 RAID array.  I had originally attributed the
problem to a bug mentioned on the 5.0 release errata page which describes my
condition, but after further testing I am not so sure anymore.

The machine in question is a NEC, dual 733MZ P3 with a Mylex DAC960 RAID
controller.  I'm performing the install via floppy/FTP.  Immediately prior
to the installation, the machine was running Red Hat Linux 7.2 , occupying
the entire disk array, and functioning great.  That installation has since
been deleted, as I've attempted to install FreeBSD using the entire disk

The installation proceeds fine, but the machine hangs upon reboot at the
boot manager prompt.  If I try again and install the default boot loader
instead of the boot manager, I get "Missing Operating System".

I've so far tried 5.0-RELEASE, 4.8-RC2 and 4.7-RELEASE (using their
respective installation floppies) with identical results.

These symptoms match exactly installation FAQ entries 3.21 and 3.22 .
However, the former suggests to resolve a conflict between two operating
systems conflicting over disk geometry, and I only have FreeBSD installed,
using the entire disk array.  The latter FAQ suggests the problem is with
the BIOS not detecting the disk properly.  However, I am really not sure
what I need to do here, since I know the BIOS/controller are able to work
with large partition sizes due to the previous success with Red Hat.  The
only difference, of course, is that the Linux installation had several
partitions while FreeBSD uses the single partition with slices.

Lastly, I am not even positive that FreeBSD supports booting from this
drive.  The card initially identifies itself as a "DAC960PTL1" in the name,
which doesn't exactly match any of the DAC960 cards listed on the hardware
page.  FreeBSD is able to ID and work with the drive, etc. when the mlx
driver module is loaded, so I would guess that this isn't a problem.

I'm at a loss as to what I can do.  Sorry for making this message so large,
but I wanted to be comprehensive.

Thanks in advance,

Darren Gamble
Planner, Regional Services
Shaw Cablesystems GP
630 - 3rd Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 4L4
(403) 781-4948

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It has been a while since I have seen a DAC960, but this problem was solved by setting the partition size to 2GIGs instead of 8GIGs in the RAID BIOS.


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