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On Wednesday, 19 March 2003 at 16:44:05 +0000, ptiJo ptiJo wrote:
> Hi,
> I have one of those strange 4buttons touchpad on my laptop and only
> left/right buttons working.
> The buttons look like :
>   2
> 1 4 3
> I tried several tunings on moused/XF86Configlike -m 4=2 -m 5=4 on
> moused, and Buttons=4 in XF86Config) but nothing seems to work.
> Even xev only recognize button 1 and 3 only...
> Has anyone succeeded in using those 4 buttons touchpad ?

You haven't said what it is yet.  It's almost certainly a hardware
compatibility issue.  What model is it?  How does it connect to the
system?  Are you running moused?  What have you put in your config

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