On Thu, 1 Jul 2010, J wrote:

I'd like to set up Sendmail to facilitate e-mail (with attached jpeg) delivery 
to an internet account from my wireless IP
camera.  That's all I want it to do, nothing more.  I've been a very satisfied 
FreeBSD user for a few
years and am reasonably comfortable with OS and software configuration, but I 
have literally
no knowledge of mail servers or configuring Sendmail.  Some people suggest 
using other programs
such as Postfix, but I'd rather get this work with Sendmail.  I
did install the cyrus-sasl2 port as well as saslauthd, since I thought I might 
have an authentication
problem.  Beyond that the only other things I've done are:

1. sendmail_enable="YES"
in rc.conf
2. (camera's ip address)      RELAY
in /etc/mail/access

I'm seeing my webmail account information (address and relay server) in maillog 
and when I use
sendmail verbose, I see what looks like a successful transaction but the mail 
never gets delivered.  So
it would seem that the camera is communication fine with my FreeBSD server, but 
the mail isn't getting
transmitted out to the internet.

Probably you need to set SMART_HOST to use your ISP's mail server.

As root,

# cd /etc/mail
# make

That will create your hostname.mc file if it's not already there. Locate the SMART_HOST line, remove the dnl to uncomment it, and enter the name of your ISP's mail server. After that,

# make all install restart
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