Defryn, Guy wrote:

I am setting up a webserver and I would like some opinions on this.

I have created a partition for the sites and create a directory for each
site. Then I create a user account and set the website folder as the
home directory for that user. The user can now ftp in his directory and
upload files.

One thing I would like to prevent is the visibility of the config files in the directory. I tried setting the shell to nonexistent but ftp does not seem to allow that.


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I use proftpd in daemon mode . with these : Umask 002 <Global> AllowOverwrite yes <Limit ALL SITE_CHMOD> AllowAll </Limit> </Global> #limit users to their home dir DefaultRoot ~

UseReverseDNS           off
MaxLoginAttempts        3
RequireValidShell       no
LsDefaultOptions        "-a"
TimeoutNoTransfer       900
IdentLookups            off
AllowRetrieveRestart    on
AllowStoreRestart       on
#hide files with no access to user
HideNoAccess            on

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