Noah Pratt wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a whole bunch of UFS CD-ROMs, but I'm unable to mount them on
> my FreeBSD 8 system.
> I thought it would be possible. From the FAQ:
>     UFS CD-ROMs can be mounted directly on FreeBSD. Mounting disk
> partitions from Digital UNIX and other systems that support UFS may be
> more complex, depending on the details of the disk partitioning for
> the operating system in question.
> I tried the direct route:
> 6930p# file -s /dev/acd0t01
> /dev/acd0: Unix Fast File system [v1] (big-endian), last mounted on
> 6930p# uname -a
> FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE #1: Mon May 17
> 01:26:14 PDT 2010
>  amd64
> Am I missing something that ought to be obvious? [probable]
> Is it no longer possible to mount UFS filesystems? [unlikely ;-) ]
> Is there something specific about *this* UFS filesystem that prevents
> it from working?

I suspect maybe the disk was written using Solaris on SPARC, which is big-
endian. Most PC architectures are little-endian.


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