On Friday, March 21, 2003, at 09:26 AM, Paul Lathrop wrote:
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I recently configured the mail server I administrate to do SMTP Authentication using sasl. sasl is configured to use PAM for authentication, and the smtp PAM service calls pam_mysql. I know it's rather convoluted, but it's the only solution that matched my needs. But I digress. Shortly after configuring this system, my logs began reporting the following error:

Mar 20 00:31:01 rackspace postfix/smtpd[45892]: add_plugin(/usr/local/lib/sasl/libkerberos4.so) failed: generic > failure

This error repeats upwards of 70 times per day. Unfortunately, I cannot track down the cause of this problem. I am not use kerberos anywhere on my system, and I cannot find a reference to libkerberos in any of the configuration files.

Any ideas what could be causing this error and how I might track it down?

Did you install SASL from the package or from the port? IIRC, the package is compiled with Kerberos support.

- jim

- jim mock.     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     web: http://soupnazi.org -
- freebsd project: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    opendarwin: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

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