On 8/20/10, Eduardo <emor...@xroff.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 13:24:16 +0000
> "b. f." <bf1...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Reading documentation, thanks b. f. I'm already on freebsd-hackers
> list. Is that the correct list for this topic?

If you have a specific technical question about FreeBSD internals,
then freebsd-hackers is probably a good place to ask.  -hackers is a
low-volume list, and the subscribers will not be happy if there are a
flood of very general inquiries or chat, or if the person who is
asking questions hasn't thought about them beforehand.  -arch is even
more conservative, and solely for questions about the direction of the
base system, especially the kernel.  -ports may also be a good place
to ask about porting software.

> Not only compilers for Fortran or other languages but for new
> architetures, Cluster of SMP CPUs with GPU attached.

Okay.  Maybe we'll see a convergence of the two in the medium/long
term.  Right now, interested parties need to look at the available
hardware, and then talk to the vendors about whether they would be
willing to support a port of their software to FreeBSD, and
_specifically_, what is needed.  For example, we faced a similar
situation with the newer Nvidia GPUs not so long ago.  Some key
developers like John Baldwin got involved, and determined what changes
needed to be made in the FreeBSD base system in order to support the
newer hardware and graphics drivers.  It would have been nice to get
an open-source driver, but since Nvidia wasn't willing to do that,
FreeBSD  chose to meet them half-way.  Probably a similar effort will
be needed for CUDA.  Someone should look at the requirements, and have
a _detailed_, _sustained_ discussion with Nvidia and the FreeBSD
Foundation.  If, for example, KMS is needed, then the Foundation may
be willing to invest in that, because it will probably also be needed
for new graphics drivers and Xorg, anyway.  Robert Noland was working
on it, but he was doing it largely by himself in his spare time, and
then he got a new job and had to slow down considerably, if not stop

> For now i'm going to port my hpc app to FreeBSD.

Good.  You may want to consider discussing any substantial effort
first on -ports, to avoid duplication of effort, and to see if there
are any better alternatives available.

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