Andy Wodfer wrote:

> I'm running FreeBSD 8.0 RELEASE.
> I can't get GD enabled. I have installed latestes php5 from ports aswell
> as php5-extensions and enabled GD on the option screen:
> cd /usr/ports/lang/php5
> make deinstall
> make clean
> make rmconfig
> make install clean
> cd /usr/ports/lang/php5-extensions
> make deinstall
> make clean
> make rmconfig
> make install clean
> I'm running the latest Apache 2.2.x version and GD 2.0.35.
> I'm currently doing a portupgrade -a to see if that helps, but I think
> not.
> What's the correct way of getting GD to work on Ie. a webshop (opencart)?

I'm having the exact same problem. Have done the above manual 
rebuild/reinstall for php52-gd and gd. Have done portupgrade -fr php52-gd so 
far, but got called away before I tried the -fr on gd so it would rebuild 
the jpeg/png libraries. Was going to try that next.

The .so is present in the correct location, the line is present in php.ini 
and phpinfo, pgp -m, and php -i all show the module loaded. I run PHP here 
as FastCGI and everything but gd works as expected.

httpd-error.log is only showing me this:

[Thu Sep 23 18:22:06 2010] [error] [client] Premature end of 
script headers: antibot_image.php, referer:
[Thu Sep 23 18:22:08 2010] [error] mod_fcgid: process /usr/local/bin/php-
cgi(1317) exit(communication error), get unexpected signal 6

Had this problem once before a long time ago and the rebuild/reinstall dance 
took care of it at that time and I forgot about it. This time seems 
different somehow and running out of ideas fast.


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