On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 02:03:28 +0200
Polytropon <free...@edvax.de> articulated:

> On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 19:46:08 -0400, Carmel <carmel...@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 00:49:16 +0200
> > Polytropon <free...@edvax.de> articulated:
> > 
> > > Have you tried mounting using the ATAPI driver?
> > > 
> > >   # mount -o ro -t cd9660 /dev/acd0 /mnt
> > > 
> > > Does this work for data CDs?
> > 
> > I get this error message:
> > 
> >     mount_cd9660: /dev/acd0: Invalid argument
> This seems to show that there's no ISO-9660 file system on
> the (data) CD, or the session is not finished, or any other
> problem on file system level. Can you check
>       % file - < /dev/acd0
>       % cdcontrol info
> Here's an example for the output for a data CD:
>       % file - < /dev/acd0
>       /dev/stdin: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data
>       'FreeBSD_Install                ' (bootable)
>       % cdcontrol info
>       Starting track = 1, ending track = 1, TOC size = 18 bytes
>       track     start  duration   block  length   type
>       -------------------------------------------------
>           1   0:02.00  57:57.56       0  260831   data
>         170  57:59.56         -  260831       -      -
> And for an audio CD:
>       % file - < /dev/acd0
>       /dev/stdin: ERROR: cannot read `(null)' (Invalid argument)
>       % cdcontrol info
>       Starting track = 1, ending track = 18, TOC size = 154 bytes
>       track     start  duration   block  length   type
>       -------------------------------------------------
>           1   0:02.00   3:31.03       0   15828  audio
>           2   3:33.03   2:52.67   15828   12967  audio
>       ... 
>          17  52:24.53   7:27.30  235703   33555  audio
>          18  59:52.08   2:48.67  269258   12667  audio
>         170  62:41.00         -  281925       -      -
> Do you get the same results for the respective CD content types?

I made some file permission changes, rebooted and made sure that the
changes were static, and then ran a few test.

The cdcontrol program will not play a CDROM although it claims it is. I
can play an audio CD from within KDE; however, it is like pulling teeth
to accomplish it. Way too much trouble. MPlayer cannot access the audio
CD naively.

DATA CDs are another story. I cannot mount them.

Using a data CD:

# file - < /dev/acd0
/dev/stdin: ERROR: cannot read `(null)' (Input/output error)

# file - < /dev/cd0
/dev/stdin: ERROR: cannot read `(null)' (Invalid argument)

# cdcontrol info
cdcontrol: getting toc header: Invalid argument
cdcontrol: Invalid argument

With an audio CD:

# file - < /dev/acd0
/dev/stdin: ERROR: cannot read `(null)' (Invalid argument)

# file - < /dev/cd0
/dev/stdin: ERROR: cannot read `(null)' (Device not configured)

# cdcontrol info
Starting track = 1, ending track = 3, TOC size = 34 bytes
track     start  duration   block  length   type
    1   0:02.00   6:32.00       0   29400  audio
    2   6:34.00   3:55.12   29400   17637  audio
    3  10:29.12   3:42.23   47037   16673  audio
  170  14:11.35         -   63710       -      -

Finally, just trying a mount command from the command line:

$ sudo mount -o ro -t cd9660 /dev/acd0 /mnt
mount_cd9660: /dev/acd0: Invalid argument

$ sudo mount -o ro -t cd9660 /dev/cd0 /mnt
mount_cd9660: /dev/cd0: Device not configured

This is getting to be far more trouble and wasting way too much time
than it is worth. I can just put the CDs in one of my Windows machines
and then transfer the data over the network to the FreeBSD units. What
is strange is that this use to work before I upgraded.

By the way, Polytropon, please do not CC me. I am on the list and I
really do not need two copies of every post. Others may appreciate it;
however, I don't.

Carmel ✌
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