Jack L. Stone wrote:

> Folks:
> Please bear with me on this one. Am using FBSD-7.0p9 and PHP52.
> Have been using a Captcha protection against robots for a download section
> of the server. It worked just fine since installed for a couple of years,
> even with prior versions of PHP5. However, the captcha suddenly stopped
> loading the initial image and required multiple clicks (variable times at
> that) to get it to load an image that could be used by the customer. Just
> shows the little "x" as broken link to image. Nothing tried has solved the
> issue. Had to add text telling people to keep clicking if an image is not
> seen.
> Anyone seen this and have any suggestions on how to fix other than finding
> a different captcha script?.
 I was having a similar problem and it involved php52-gd not working. I 
moved the following two lines to the end of my php.ini and it started 
working. I think it was having pdf.so load afterward is what did it.



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