On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 14:06:55 -0400, Pierre-Luc Drouin <pldro...@gmail.com> 
> I think it would be nice if at least one binary package was available with
> the most "typical" dependencies. For example, I am not a native English
> speaker, but I would not mind using the English version OO if I could
> download it as a binary package... Just my $0.02...

Just imagine - in the past, you could "pkg_add -r fr-openoffice"
to get a french (I assume you are, according to your name)
localized version of OpenOffice *including* a french dictionary!
Unbelievable! A miracle! Magic! :-)

(OpenOffice is the *only* program *I* use in the german version.)
It's sad that those easy times seem to be over...

In case of OpenOffice, I would say "as few dependencies as needed"
would be a good approach. I mean... everyone is talking about
modularity in software, about exchangable components and so on,
so THIS would be a good place to use those concepts, like let
a program "dynamically" pick up optional components if they are
installed, or work without them if not.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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