On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 11:20:56AM -0800, Steve Warwick wrote:
> Hi All, 
> Is it possible for FreeBSD to shut itself down and restart for no reason?


> My machine was restarted last night and my hosting company claims they did
> not touch the server or have any problems. This has been going of for a few
> months now -- intermittent restarts that no one claims responsibility for.

The machine is probably rebooting itself.

> This is a new machine with the latest OS (4.7) so I can't blame a faulty
> power supply or something like -- I have more fans than Britney in the
> server, for HD and CPU so I don't think it's a temp problem.
> Thoughts, suggestions?
> Steve

Why can't you blame the power supply?  Just because it's new?  It's new is not 
really a valid troubleshooting technique, especially when you have the 
evidence that something is broken staring you in the face.  I'm not trying to 
say you don't have a software issue, but in my experience with FreeBSD, if 
you're having reboots I start looking for faulty hardware right away.  My 
first test is always to swap out the RAM, and then go from there. 

One of the things I really like about FreeBSD is that it does not play nicely 
with flakey, old, broken, or otherwise fux0rd hardware.  I don't care if it's 
brand new, worked fine in windows AND linux, or any other excuse, if you are 
seeing reboots that's a pretty good sign there's flakey hardware in the box.


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