Quoth Chad Perrin on Saturday, 06 November 2010:
> On Sat, Nov 06, 2010 at 06:56:11PM +0000, krad wrote:
> > 
> > this thread shouldnt be limited to just zfs really, dtrace is also affected
> > by all the same licensing issues
> While we're at it, OpenOffice.org, MySQL, Solaris, Java, and VirtualBox are
> also entangled with Oracle.  There may be others that escape my memory at
> this exact moment, too.
> -- 
> Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

The one in that list that worries me the most is VirtualBox -- that's a
truly useful solution that isn't easily replaced.  But I read somewhere
that there was a movement gaining steam to break off from Oracle.

Sterling (Chip) Camden    | sterl...@camdensoftware.com | 2048D/3A978E4F
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