On 11/09/10 22:06, O. Hartmann wrote:
On 11/09/10 21:52, Gary Jennejohn wrote:
On Tue, 09 Nov 2010 20:34:48 +0100
"O. Hartmann"<ohart...@mail.zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:

Tried to build the newest ISIS 3.2.1 software package for planetary
survey science, but fail. I always get the following error which seems
to be triggered due to an ambiguous overload of a function, but I do not
know how to fix the problem since everything seems clen to me. The USGS
ISIS package uses prebuild libraries, but only for two Linux
distributions and OSX, libxerces is version 3.1 as far as I can see, but
FreeBSD port textproc/xerces-c2 is stuck with 2.7. So far, ISIS 3.2.0
could be build on FreeBSD 8 and 9 with minor problems but working. Is
anybody out here also utilising FreeBSD for scientific purposes and alsi
using ISIS3 3.2.1? Can anybody help or give a hint?

Thanks in advance,

Are you using the standard gcc? You could try installing one of the
gcc versions from ports and see whether that helps. The standard gcc
is a few generations old.

[snip error output]


I'm using clang ;-) But I also tried gcc45. After I installed xerces-c
version 3.1.1 from the Apache project in referred ISIS to take libs iand
includes from the new installation path, I had success, but only a
partial one. Xalan-c relies on the older version xerces-c2 2.7..

I also tried with xerces-c2-devel (2.8.0), but it also produces the
error shown prior to this message.


Some update.

I tried several compilers, all fail due to the wrong xerces-c library. The new USGS software package expects version 3.1.1 of xerces-c. Simply installing the new xerces-c library by compiling, installing to another path and referring to the new lib path etc. doesn't work properly, since there are some conflicts with the original installed xerces-c2 2.7 library. I had to deinstall xerces-c2 package from the ports first, compile and install ISIS3, then reinstall xerces-c2 since it is neccessary by some other important ports we've installed. Xalan-c is also a candidate relying on xerces-c2, and a prerequisite for ISIS3, but so far, I did not recognize any conflicts or misbehaviour. But this is still a worse situation.

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