On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 10:06:51PM -0600, Ryan Coleman wrote:
> Really... I have a finger for that. I *HATE* bottom posting. It makes
> quick checking of email impossible.

Start a different mailing list, then, where the rule is top-posting.  The
fact you do not like answering in natural text order does not excuse you
for behaving in an antisocial manner that violates list guidelines and
cultural norms here at freebsd-questions.

Of course, if you want have mailing lists that are conducive to very
quick checking, you should probably choose a mailing list with less
technical content.  One of the reason top posting is considered harmful
on lists like this is that it is not conducive to combining context with
response.  This approach is better for in-depth discussion; top-posting
is better for IM-like responses that do not require any thought.

If you prefer thoughtless "discussion", go somewhere that is the norm.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

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