Quoth Chad Perrin on Friday, 12 November 2010:
> On Sun, Nov 07, 2010 at 01:54:32PM -0800, Chip Camden wrote:
> > 
> > How do you start uzbl?  It installed fine for me, but I keep getting core
> > dumps when I run it.  There is no 'uzbl' anywhere in the path, so I tried
> > 'uzbl-browser' and 'uzbl-tabbed'.  For 'uzbl-browser' it brings up the
> > initial screen OK, but typing 'fl' crashes it.
> I thought I had responded to this, but apparently I had not.  Sorry about
> that.
> I'm not sure why you are having these problems.  I guess I would suggest
> talking to someone in the #uzbl channel on freenode.  When I installed
> uzbl, the uzbl-core and uzble-browser commands worked great.  Getting
> uzbl-tabbed took a little more doing, because a dependency (py-gtk) was
> not yet installed.
> By the way, it seems that uzbl-tabbed is a little rudimentary.  It
> actually lacks some of uzbl-browser's capabilities, and lacks some basic
> stuff you'd expect a tabbed browser to have (like a single command or
> click approach to opening a link in a new tab).
> -- 
> Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

Well, it looks like 'make deinstall clean install clean' took care of it.

I don't know what could have hiccupped the first time, but oh well.

Sterling (Chip) Camden    | sterl...@camdensoftware.com | 2048D/3A978E4F
http://camdensoftware.com | http://chipstips.com        | http://chipsquips.com

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