Yuri <y...@rawbw.com> writes:

> I recently updates the system. libatkmm-1.6.so.1 got bumped to
> libatkmm-1.6.so.2, now inkscape fails:
> /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libatkmm-1.6.so.1" not found,
> required by "inkscape"
> What is the right behavior in such situation? Should all depending
> packages be also automatically bumped? Or portupghrade should detect
> the change and automatically upgrade dependent ports?

There's no way to do it fully automatically, but porters try to do this
by hand, by incrementing PORTREVISION for the dependent ports.  Once
that is done, portupgrade will pick it up automatically.  However,
porters will sometimes miss subtle dependencies, especially optional

In this case, I don't see a direct dependency of inkscape on atkmm, so I
don't know how it should have been marked.  In any case, inkscape was
updated shortly after atkmm, so if you upgraded everything more
recently, it looks like you should have gotten inkscape rebuilt after
the atkmm change.
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