On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 00:38:53 -0500, Nu 2 Da Boro <nu2dabor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to change the boot order for a service on my server... I have a
> service that boots before mysql and need to change this. I have read the man
> page for rc and rcorder and still unable to come up with a solution to my
> problem.

There are keywords that determine the order of execution,
those are especially REQUIRE and PROVIDE. You need to
set them in the rc.d/ scripts. For example, the script
that has to run first gets the proper PROVIDE setting,
the script that depends on the first script - the one
that should therefore be started _after_ the previous
service is up - gets the REQUIRE keyword. You can see
a better explaination in "man rcorder". See the rc.d/
files of your services.

E. g. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server:

        # PROVIDE: mysql
        # REQUIRE: LOGIN
        # KEYWORD: shutdown

Depending on the service that mysql requires, you would
need to code something like

        # PROVIDE: bla

in this service's startup file, and then add

        # REQUIRE: bla

to mysql's startup file. The correct order of execution is
determined automatically by the rcorder mechanism.

> I'm pretty familiar with Ubunutu and the /etc/rc0-6 but I'm new to
> FreeBSD

FreeBSD does not have this kind of runlevel based startup.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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