What? Did someone try and register freebsd-questions e-mail address to another 
mailing list, thereby adding all the messages from that list to this list 

Hey, then we can register yahoo groups email to freebsd-questions group and 
get a nice little loop of messages going... :D


On Friday 28 March 2003 09:43, Franklin Pierce wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Yahoo!Groups Notification <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 28 Mar 2003 05:28:08 -0000
> Subject: Request to join id-freebsd denied
> > Hello,
> >
> > The moderator of the id-freebsd group has denied
> > your request for membership.
> Like, okay, I HAD to read this and, to the same extent, I HAD
> to mis-understand it, 'cos, you know, it's something which just
> begs for a misinterpretation, mostly, I think, you can philtre it
> through babelfish ruschish->francoesisch->deutsch->englisch
> gives me the greatest 0.0% ennui (maybe) since 1776==1881,
> you know (wink wink, nudge nudge).
> Love,
> Franklin Pierce
> "It's a new idea," said Jai.
> "I'd better go and share it with the club before I become rigid and
> defensive about it," he added hastily. --Joanna Russ, _And Chaos Died_
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