On Fri, 14 Jan 2011, Alessandro Baggi wrote:

Hi list, I don't want make a flame post but I would ask an objective opinion, then not a camp opinion, about using FreeBSD or Debian Linux in a production environment for solution as such as cluster of some service, proxy, SAN, performance, smp with an high number of cpu, PDC, Mail Server (qmail), raid software, security support and hardware support. I'm using Slackware Linux but in production environment there are problem with packages and distro update and other support. Then for you, what is the best for those solutions?

FreeBSD, Debian, and Slowaris are my key components. FreeBSD RELENG_8 composes most of my WAN services from DNS, SENDMAIL, Cacti, and more. I have at least nine servers across the USA. In another life (different job) Debian is primary but there are two FreeBSD servers.

I choose FreeBSD because I have source and if necessary recompile the whole OS with debug to traipse down a (perceived) bug. The same isn't as easy under Debian.

When I (often) come across some behavior I don't understand I almost always go to the source. Documentation is almost always less useful when it comes to applications. I have also found FreeBSD applications tend to be more recent versions or more easily replaced than Debian or CentOS.

I find the FreeBSD handbook useful but when it comes to Debian the ErrorNet isn't as... helpful... and often wrong. I spend more time tracking things down under Debian than FreeBSD, usually because I go to source.

For Wireless there is more functionality under FreeBSD without augmentation but for a specific function I had to recompile the source with an additional flag. Under Debian I had to replace several modules because the drivers did not support AP mode, which included building a custom kernel and stripping out conflicting modules -- that was an... interesting... exercise.

I prefer the competence of the FreeBSD lists, though I have none myself.

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