On Thu Feb  3 11, Rolf Nielsen wrote:
> Hello,
> I've never given this any thought, until I recently bought a Blu-ray 
> drive, and realised that I can neither mount commercial Blu-ray discs or 
> watch the films with mplayer. As I understand the problem, it is because 
> FreeBSD has no support for newer versions of UDF and that Blu-ray films 
> use UDF 2.50 or 2.60. I did find some suggestion for a Summer of Code 
> project to port the NetBSD implementation of UDF, and that that has 
> support for newer versions, and also write support. So my question is, 
> is there any work being done on this, and if so, what is its status?

i don't think anybody is working on this atm. please also note that there's
a PR related to this issue [1]. also openbsd seems to have support for udf
2.50 and 2.60, too.


[1] http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=kern/120989

> Sincerely,
> Rolf Nielsen

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