On Mon, 14 Feb 2011 15:38:28 -0800, Rem P Roberti <r...@remdog.net> wrote:
> I need to ask this question again in the hopes that something will come 
> of it.  In the process of going through an update (I finally got that 
> sorted out) all of my partitions were renamed.  Here they are:
> Filesystem               1K-blocks       Used       Avail      Capacity 
>        Mounted on
> /dev/label/rootfs0    507630         326734   140286       70%        
>           /
> devfs                                  1               1          0     
>     100%                /dev
> /dev/label/var0      1012974         170386   761552       18%        
>          /var
> /dev/label/usr0     33292236       9358560 21270298     31%              
>    /usr
> linprocfs                          4                   4          0   
>      100%    /usr/compat/linux/proc
> /dev/md0                789518                 16     726342      0%  
>                /tmp
> As you can see, root, which was once /dev/ad0s1a, is now 
> /dev/label/rootfs0, and /var, which was once /dev/ad0s1d, is now 
> /dev/label/var0.  Along with these changes the /etc/fstab was 
> automatically modified to allow the boot process to take place.  Can 
> someone give me a heads up as to what is going on here.

Seems that you - or something - did make the switch from
device names to labels. Maybe your kernel now includes
GEOM functionality for work with labels? But I don't know
of a process that changes /etc/fstab automatically...

You can still use the device names for the /etc/fstab
entries, you just need to make sure that you select
the correct names (as you described above). Then there
should be no problem as labels are optional.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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