"Sukhbinder Singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I did what you asked me to do. This time I had a little bit of progress but
>still I got a differen error message. I used the windows command winipcfg
>command to get the DNS information. As I indicated in my previous mail there
>are 6 fields in the windows in the "Network Configuration" window where
>these 6 fields are  host, domain, ipv4 gateway, name server, IPv4 address
>netmask : , extra option to ifconfig.
>The hostname I typed as :-   foo
>The domain name as you indicated in your mail that you used my.domain I also
>used my.domain
>The netmask automatically chaged to :-
>The name server address or the DNS address after checking using winipcfg
>was: but when I use the arp command it gives me a different
>address instead. It gives me instead. The ipv4 gateway
>information is blank with no information on this. The IPv4 information is
>also left blank with no information  and the extra option to ifconfig is
>also left blank with no information. I chose to download using FTP. after
>keying in all the information like the login name, password and the
>telephone number for my ISP, I tried connecting, I got an error message like
>" Cannot resolve hostname 'ftp.freebsd.org' ! Are you sure that your name se
>rver, gateway and network interface are correctly configured ?" then I
>pressed enter after this I got another message like "Killing previous PPP
>process 34". Can anyone help regarding this problem. Any help will be

I have confirmed that there is a Name Server at and that it
correctly resolves ftp.freebsd.org.

> dig @ ftp.freebsd.org

; <<>> DiG 8.3 <<>> @ ftp.freebsd.org
; (1 server found)
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 6
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 3
;;      ftp.freebsd.org, type = A, class = IN

ftp.freebsd.org.        5M IN CNAME     ftp.beastie.tdk.net.
ftp.beastie.tdk.net.    1m20s IN A

beastie.tdk.net.        3d13h36m43s IN NS  ns10.inet.tele.dk.
beastie.tdk.net.        3d13h36m43s IN NS  ns11.inet.tele.dk.
beastie.tdk.net.        3d13h36m43s IN NS  ns2.tele.dk.

ns10.inet.tele.dk.      3h12m54s IN A
ns11.inet.tele.dk.      3h12m54s IN A
ns2.tele.dk.            1h35m59s IN A

;; Total query time: 1155 msec
;; FROM: wall.my.domain to SERVER:
;; WHEN: Sat Mar 29 12:55:48 2003
;; MSG SIZE  sent: 33  rcvd: 213

I am surprised you still get Cannot resolve hostname 'ftp.freebsd.org'.
But you would probably see that error if PPP was not 'up'.

To confirm whether it is a Name Server problem, you could choose 'other'
when asked to select a FreeBSD FTP distribution site and set as the address.

If it still doesn't work.  Have a look on vty3 (press Alt-F3) and confirm
that PPP is indeed 'up'.  You should see something like PPP ON foo.
(All three Ps must be capital letters).

I think you are very close to getting this working.  Don't give up.

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