--As of February 27, 2011 12:26:04 AM +0000, Slawomir Wojtczak is alleged to have said:

... but none of them seems to work, after installation it hangs at boot
like that: http://ompldr.org/vN2tscQ

--As for the rest, it is mine.

Hmm. Interesting. I'm having the same result when trying the 'root on ZFS, boot from UFS' guide here:

Anything interesting happening during your install? I have an error late in the process (During 'Step 3.1') with this command:
Fixit# mv boot bootdir/

It gives me an error saying that /bin/cp can't found/executed. (I've been trying to work around using `bin/cp -pRP boot bootdir/`. Note the lack of the leading slash.)

I had tried several of the other installs from <http://wiki.freebsd.org/RootOnZFS> successfully, but I don't think I'd tried the MBR install.

Daniel T. Staal

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