On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 04:40:17PM +0500, Andrew Khlebutin wrote:
> Hello,
> I  have  installed  centericq  v.  4.9.2  from  ports (Makefile,v 1.59
> 2003/03/07  06:07:37  ade)  on  my  dual processors PC (P3-550*2/512M)
> under  FreeBSD  5.0-RELEASE-p6.  Apparently, centericq has quite a few
> leaks.
> After 3 hours:
> ====================cut from top===============================
> 14272 andrew    96    0   142M   140M select 1   2:08  1.46%  1.46% centericq
> ====================cut from top===============================
> After  24  hours  centericq  has  been core dumped with core dump size
> about 512M.
> ====================cut from messages==========================
> Mar 27 15:16:29 <kern.info> sota kernel: pid 58216 (centericq), uid 1002: exited on 
> signal 6 (core dumped)
> ====================cut from messages==========================
> Any ideas?
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Andrew Khlebutin

Find them, patch them, send patch to the author of centericq.

Jeremy Faulkner                 http://www.gldis.ca
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