On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 09:00:02AM -0700, Chris Telting wrote:
> I would like to have something like virtual terminals that continue 
> running no matter if ssh is connected to them or not.  Something like 
> the screen utility.  But I don't want to use screen, I'm looking for 
> something more automated.  Maybe even be able to have multiple 
> connections on different computers.
> I have a number of computers and I like to use each for batch processing 
> different stuff, especially compiling.  I'm mostly interested in 
> connecting to running sessions from a mobile android phone.  I don't 
> want to keep having to manually login every time through screen and it 
> should be tolerant of a dropped connection.
> I'm thinking there is probably a way to do this with just ssh.  Maybe 
> have separate sshd daemons running on specific ports.  Any ideas?

I'm not 100% clear on what you're trying to avoid from GNU Screen, but my
first thought when you said you wanted persistent sessions without GNU
Screen was "tmux".  Count mine as a third vote for tmux, if that suits
your needs.

Depending on your actual needs, you could also look into using the nohup
command.  It's not a terminal multiplexer but, in the words of the
manpage, it allows you to "run a command immune to hangups, with output
to a non-tty".

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

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