At 04:30 PM 3/31/2003, you wrote:
Somebody pleeeaaasse help.

I've been trying to install 5.0-RELEASE on an old Dell
600MHz P3. Sysinstall works fine, no issues there. No
issues at all until I get the final "do-or-die"
message and then whammo! There's a problem with

Also, the root partition takes a very large amount of
space. I've read the handbook, and also "Absolute BSD"
and they both indicate that the root partition should
take around 128MB of space. But my install won't take
that at all. I'm choosing to install "All", source,
executables, the whole shebang. But still, it doesn't
seem that the 1G of space I'm allocating jives at all
with the stated 128MB requirement? What's up with

What are the partition sizes allocated for freebsd? such as: ad0s1a root 128 ad0s1b swap 200 ad0s1e var 50

(numbers may be different)

It sounds like you are filling up the 1gigabyte. The ports collection is
about 200megs itself (and worth every byte).

Try doing a minimal installation with only src code for the kernel. No ports/
Xwindows/other-src etc and see if that goes ok. You can always add other
things later thru the sysinstall menu. When partitioning (disklabel editor)
choose "A" autodefaults for all. If that works ok then you'll know it is
the 1 Gig size that is the problem


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