On Wednesday 20 July 2011 09:47:33 Jack L. Stone wrote:
> Am running FBSD-7.x and IMAP WU + sendmail-8.4.x + MySQL-5.0.x
> Sorry to bother the list with this but have searched and read everything
> google & horde.org has to offer but I find no solution
> to an important issue I'm having with the installation of horde4.
> Although the port maintainer won't have the broken port for horde4, I have
> successfully installed Horde4 plus several common apps including, "IMP" app
> for an IMAP mail service.

All of the horde4 ports including webmail and groupware have been rewritten 
and comitted. AFAIK everything is working properly. You may be missing some 
libs or modules, so I would suggest a reinstall.

> The problem is while I have a good install with the Horde4 base frame and
> the apps, I can login to HORDE just fine, but when going to the IMAP app,
> my login fails. From what I understand, the same Horde login should work
> for the IMP. Reading the login scripts indicates that as well. I'm using
> MySQL (SQL) as the backend for everything that needs a backend so I may be
> able to handle a large number of users. I've installed Washington Uni (WU)
> Imap server and it's listening on the expected port 143.
> I've worked on this issue over days and weeks, including reinstalls but
> cannot login to IMP for the mail services. In Horde, I can add users just
> fine and they appear in the MySQL horde database properly. I have a couple
> designated as admins.
> If anyone on this list uses horde and maybe knows what I have missed I
> would appreciate any possible tips to check on. Does IMP not use the same
> login as I assUme?

Not necessarily. It all depends on your auth backend configs for both horde 
and the apps. If you're using IMAP auth, you should be able to login to imp as 
any regular user on the mail account. It's common to use IMAP auth as your 
general auth backend, that way your users will end up in the right account. 
You also need either SASL auth or Dovecot auth setup along with your auth 
backend. IMAP SSL is required, imp will NOT work with IMAP plain login unless 
you hack the configs by hand (bad idea).

Finally, uncheck the "disable horde test script" box on the main horde configs 
under the general tab, save your configs and navigate to horde/test.php, there 
is a section near the bottom for testing your IMAP login. If that isn't 
successful, you're not going to get much further. If the option doesn't exist 
at all, you don't have all the modules you need. It will also give you an idea 
about the state of everything else.

Hope this gets you pointed in the right direction :-)


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