On 11/08/2011 12:37, Daniel Staal wrote:
> (Well, ok, given the current release structure having an update today
> means you are in a supported branch, and that supported branch will
> continue to get updates for the foreseeable future.  But that still
> does not tell me when the branch is likely to get unsupported, and in
> theory a patch release could be made on the last day of support for a
> branch.)
A simple solution would be for there to ALWAYS be a patch release on the
last day of support for a branch, that creates /etc/NOT-SUPPORTED or
similar. Then it's just a matter of adding an /etc/cron.daily job to
report on that, as long as you are following updates (and if you aren't
you don't care about this issue).

I can't think of any other OS that does this, either - they generally
just report that there are no available updates.

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