On Fri, 19 Aug 2011 13:05:01 -0400
Chris Brennan <xa...@xaerolimit.net> wrote:

> On 8/19/2011 10:26 AM, Zane C. B-H. wrote:
> > Blarg?
> > 
> > None of these is even vaguely related to my question about
> > wpa_cli, as stated in the subject.
> WTF is 'Blarg'?
> How about you give us a little more context and offer to converse
> with us instead of treating us like machines who blindly spit out
> answers (right or wrong, doesn't matter, you've equated us to
> machines!)
> Robert did the best he could with the little bit of information you
> gave us. Even after reading your e-mail, I was left wondering what
> variables (with in or without wpa_cli) you were talking about and
> also jumped to the conclusion of shell environment variables.
> A rather blunt note for you (and I've learned this first hand). If
> you are rude on an Open Source mailing-list, the chances of you
> getting help drop, dramatically. The chances of you getting flamed
> for your rudeness become guaranteed.

Nothing I said was intended as rude and was phrased in a neutral
manner. Personally this knee jerk reaction to assume I was being
hostile etc is a lot more annoying and insulting than any thing.

As to any confusion as to what I was talking about I am still lost as
to how some one would come any thing shell related given wpa_cli was
very specifically stated in the subject. I actually though there was a
a Robert was trying to be an ass with his reply about shell related
stuff given that.
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