On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 05:12:19PM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> >>>>> "Duane" == Duane Hill <du...@duanemail.org> writes:
> Duane> Saturday, August 20, 2011, 6:23:05 PM, wrote:
> >> Le Sat, 20 Aug 2011 17:46:58 -0500,
> >> Dave Pooser <dave-free...@pooserville.com> a écrit :
> >>> An honest question here-- how many people run production servers on
> >>> RELEASE, never mind BETA? Mine has been running on STABLE, first 8.1
> >>> and then 8.2.
> >> Me! Because "if it works, don't break it.".
> Duane> Me too. Been running FreeBSD release versions on servers for
> Duane> years.
> <AOL>me too</AOL>


Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

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