On Wed, 24 Aug 2011 06:55:34 -0400, Rod Person wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Aug 2011 09:58:41 +0200
> Polytropon <free...@edvax.de> wrote:
> > My question to the list now:
> > 
> > Did anybody get Opera working with CUPS or (better)
> > without it? Maybe did I miss something important at
> > installation time?
> > 
> I've been printing from Opera using this method
> http://www.opera.com/support/kb/view/481/

Which version of Opera are you using? I have 11.50/1047
installed; the page you refered to states:

        Opera for Linux uses Qt to handle the printing.
        Qt looks in /etc/printcap for available printers,
        so make sure your printers are listed there.

Printers are listed, but they don't appear in the
"Printers" list. Then:

        If you are having problems printing, try adding
        a custom printer under the "Options" tab in
        File > Print.

This is not possible, as the Options tab doesn't have
any function to add a printer. This is what it looks

        +-------------- Print --------------+
        |                 _________         |
        |_Destination____| Options |________|
        |                                   |
        | Paper and Orientation             |
        | A4 (210 x 297 mm)              v  |
        | Portrait                       v  |
        |                                   |
        | Scale print to            100% v  |
        | [J] Fit to paper width            |
        |                                   |
        | [ ] Print page background         |
        | [ ] Print headers and footers     |
        |                                   |
        | Color                             |
        |   ( ) Print in color if available |
        |   (o) Print in grayscale          |
        |                                   |
        | Page margins (in centimeters)     |
        |   Top   1.00       Bottom  1.00   |
        |   Left  1.00       Right   1.00   |
        |                                   |
        |   [ Print]  [ Cancel ]  [ Apply ] |

There is no means to add a printer.

I also checked the Registry... erm... the Configuration
editor "opera:config", with the search string "print".
Even though the key "PrinterName" is defined as $PRINTER,
which points to "Laserjet" (the default printer queue
that all other programs can use too), there is no command
that could be entered (like "lpr -PLaserjet"), sonsisting
of a printer program and a parameter, as described in the
article mentioned on top.

> Since you have a good printer that doesn't need a CUPS you probably can
> skip that and just make sure tp have the correct /etc/printcap

I have a correct /etc/rintcap for more than 20 years now,
and I never encountered such a situation that cannot be
explained or understood... :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
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