On Sat, 01 Oct 2011 02:31:24 +0200
"crsnet.pl" <crs...@crsnet.pl> wrote:
>  On Fri, 30 Sep 2011 19:07:26 -0500, "Conrad J. Sabatier" 
>  <conr...@cox.net> wrote:
> >
> > Strange, flash works fine for me under 9.0-BETA3.  Go figure.
>  [cr4sh@x300 ~]$ uname -a
>  FreeBSD x300 9.0-BETA3 FreeBSD 9.0-BETA3 #3: Tue Sep 27 10:47:57
> CEST 2011     cr4sh@x300:/sys/amd64/compile/GENERIC  amd64
>  For me too. But i make csup yesterday, and when i build it. I get
> BETA3 but with damaged flash.

Hmmm, most peculiar.  My last update was Wed Sep 28 04:37:01 CDT.

Was your last kernel/world build a "clean" build?  You may want to try
updating your sources, nuking /usr/obj, and rebuilding/installing,
just in case there's a bit of incompatible cruft lying about somewhere
(not likely, I know, but it doesn't hurt to make sure).

Also, I have my plugins setup in a "local", rather than a system-wide
fashion.  I did do a normal install from ports of all of the relevant
packages, but then I either copied or symlinked the needed stuff under
${HOME}/.mozilla.  I remember when I first went about setting up the
flash plugin and the plugin wrapper, I couldn't get it to work properly
until I did this.

Honestly, I don't know exactly why I've been spared from this recent
round of complaints I've seen from people re: flash, acroread, etc. and
the linux emulator in general. I'm just glad that I have!  Must be
living right.  :-)

Conrad J. Sabatier
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