On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 19:17, Kruppa, Peter Ulrich <ulr...@pukruppa.de>wrote:

> On 13.10.2011 23:43, mikel king wrote:
>> On Oct 13, 2011, at 4:38 PM, Roland Smith wrote:
>>  With the recent death of Dennis Ritchie, we've lost one of the giants on
>>> whose
>>> shoulders we are standing. But rather that mourn his passing, I think it
>>> would
>>> be proper to remember and celebrate his achievements.
>>> His contributions to the C language and the UNIX operating system are a
>>> legacy that few can match.
>>> Therefore I would like to propose that the FreeBSD project dedicate the
>>> upcoming 9.0 release in his memory.
>> I believe this would be an appropriate gesture.

FreeBSD-9 Codename Ritchie.

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