On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 7:43 PM, Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com> wrote:
> netwait_enable="YES"
> netwait_ip="" # IP address to ping to verify network is up
> netwait_if="em0" # interface to use
> Also there's netwait_timeout, which defaults to 60 in /etc/defaults/rc.conf.

I've finally got a combination of suggested configurations that get me
to where I want to be (using ntpd, ntpdate, and netwait).

However, I've found that I still need ntpdate_enable="YES" rather than
ntpd_sync_on_start="YES".  The reason for this is that I'm running at
securelevel 3, and ntpd takes too long to get up, running, and sync
the clock.  By the time it tries to adjust the clock, secure level has
already been raised preventing the adjustment.

Is there a way to make securelevel wait until ntpd has made its
adjustments?  When I use ntpdate at this point, it seems like the init
scripts are sequential, and it waits until ntpdate is done before
continuing and later raising securelevel.

It seems that even though ntpdate is deprecated that it is still
required if you want to run securelevel 3.
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