I've recently acquired an Asus Eee PC 1201HAB netbook with GMA500 "Poulsbo" video. My research and experiments show that this hardware is not supported by the usual mainstream Intel driver. The only driver that I seem to have any luck with at all under FreeBSD is vesa, but even vesa has problems.

The latest news I've read from the Linux world is that Intel's EMGD "Embedded Media and Graphics Driver" is the current best solution. If I'm reading the FAQ correctly, the bits I need the most are closed source.

Aside from being nailed down to a specific version of OpenGL, I had good experiences using the Nvidia binary blob driver under FreeBSD. I'd be willing to endure that same kind of situation again if that's the only way to get any kind of video acceleration out of this hardware. Is anyone working on making the EMGD work under FreeBSD? Would it make sense to try?
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