I wish someone with some FreeBSD weight would make this request, but I think this thread got a little off topic.

The main thrust of the FreeBSD project seems to be making the best server OS possible. That I think they do that pretty well. I have long held that to be viable long term in the server game you have to at least be credible in the desktop game. I hope some of the desktop projects will bear fruit in this area. If I were not too old and (more to be point) too obsolete technically I would put my efforts where my thoughts lead me. As it is, I use FreeBSD as a desktop because it requires me to get into areas just administering a server farm would never take me. The upsie fpr me is that never crashes. That it works okay on an 800MHz, 500MB old dell server does not hurt either. The pain that comes with that is my choice.

That said, FreeBSD has a giant disadvantage in the desktop world. In trying to find if there will be any sort for my current laptop I came across a comment from Robert Noland saying that Xorg is becoming more and more Linux centric. That is a problem the FreeBSD project can not overcome. That along with the way Intel does its video drivers makes supporting new stuff non trivial if not daunting.

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