On Tue, 3 Jan 2012 18:16:30 -0600 (CST)
Robert Bonomi articulated:

>  Jerry <je...@seibercom.net> wrote:
> > Chad Perrin articulated:
> >
> > > > Now you have really peaked my interest. On any given day, on a
> > > > Windows based forum, the terms: "FreePiss", open-sore", "Lsuck"
> > > > etcetera are freely thrown around. On Linux based forums, terms
> > > > like: "Winblows", "Microsucks", etcetera are freely used. Would
> > > > you please be so kind as to explain to me why it is morally
> > > > correct to use one set of terms but not the other? It is either
> > > > right or it is wrong. You cannot be slightly pregnant. I
> > > > personally find such terms morally repugnant; however, since
> > > > they are commonly used on this forum it appears that they are
> > > > socially acceptable. Would you not concur or are you going to
> > > > try and bullshit your way out of this one?  
> > > 
> > > 1. I didn't say it was "morally correct" to use one set of
> > > derogatory forms and "morally incorrect" to use the other.  You
> > > are attributing arguments to me I never made.
> >
> > I just spent a half hour rereading every post on this thread to see
> > if I had inadvertently stated that you had stated in any way that
> > it was "morally correct". Guess what, there aren't any such
> > statements.


> He did *NOT* ask the prior poster to explain "why it _would_be_
> morally correct..."    HE demanded that they explain "why it *IS*
> morally correct..."

Would you please be so kind as to explain to me why ..."

You consider that a demand? That is the most incredible statement I
read in this entire thread. If I had demanded an answer, I would have
clearly indicated it. I am not bashful, as you may have noticed. I
simple asked him to explain why such behavior would be morally
acceptable. At that point he made the accusation that I had
attributed such statements, directly or indirectly to him. I neither
did, nor is there any evidence to support the claim that I had. Both of
you choose to conveniently sidestep that simple fact. Although to his
credit, he did explain his feelings on the matter.

Now, if I asked you to explain the moral justification for the
Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, would I be
accusing you of actually having written it? You don't think things
through do you?
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