On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 11:24:21PM +0200, ??????? ??????? wrote:
> Hi
> # ps ax|grep rad
> 45471  ??  T<Ls   263:35.44 /usr/local/sbin/radiusd
> 26473   1  S+       0:00.00 grep rad
> flux# date
> Fri Jan 20 23:20:28 UTC 2012
> flux# kill -KILL 45471
> flux# date
> Fri Jan 20 23:20:41 UTC 2012
> flux# kill -KILL 45471
> flux# date
> Fri Jan 20 23:20:54 UTC 2012
> flux# kill -KILL 45471
> top
>     9 root        16    -     0K     8K syncer  2   7:12  0.00% syncer
> 45471 freeradius  20  -20   311M   283M STOP    0   3:38  0.00% {radiusd}
> 49114 root        21    0 10460K  4240K select  0   2:43  0.00% zebra
> How to kill process without reboot?

Doesn't radius have a script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d?

If so use that to stop it rather than KILLing it. E.g:

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/radiusd stop

or something like that.




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