On Mon, Feb 06, 2012 at 04:37:37PM -0600, Jorge Biquez wrote:
> Hello all.
> This is kind of off topic. My apologies in advance.
> I am helping a non profit organization and giving some classes to 
> prepare students so they can be prepared and try to get a job (they 
> are students also and have the basics concepts already)
> Anyway, I am interested in teach them to develop some simple 
> applications. From simple ones to destktop ones that access a 
> database, desktop ones that use internet to connect to a remote 
> database and web based ones with a database behind. We have 6 months 
> and the idea is to work a lot remotely. Thin is that I do not want to 
> use any kind of Microsoft products. Some of them do not have modern 
> machines but until now, in previous classs, we could install Freebsd, 
> text mode, and work from there.
> Now we will try to have a graphical mode in Freebsd. With that we 
> would like to be able to develop graphical applications for Windows 
> (we all know that's the market and here some companies is what they 
> are looking), so maybe sound crazy but I am looking to develop 
> applications for Windows without using WIndows or Microsofot products at 
> least.
> I have been looking for this for months. First case using Windows but 
> not Microsoft products. I found some options BUT they all were 
> expensive on the deployment. The "runtimes" were not free and the 
> amount of money to pay was not a good option. Others provide " real 
> free" excutables for runtimes but the products were expensive. I am 
> now trying to, If possible, have FreeBSD running graphically and then 
> use open source software to develop graphical windows applications.
> Maybe I am wrong but until now I think my only option is to use 
> Phyton. Is that correct? For what I have searched Python will let me 
> create executables and will let me create Graphical solutions even 
> for other platforms (Mac or LInux or whatever runs Python).
> Talking with friend, he believes that my best bet is to teach them C 
> or C++ and use some of the options for developing graphically ( I am 
> not a C or C++ expert but I can learn alone).
> I was wondering if you could give some advie and comments on this.
> Are you developing commercial applications (including Windows ones) 
> using FreeBsd as your platform? Or Maybe any Linux Distribution?
> Would you do that with Python or something else?
> Any extra advice is more than welcomed.
> Thanks in advanced.

Any reason you don't want to use Java?

OO, plenty of IDEs to choose from, ranging from vim to Eclipse which
run on both Windows and Unix.

If I wanted to develop for Windows (I don't), that's what I'd use so I
could develop my code using FreeBSD.

The best part is that Java skills are in demand. (I don't know if
that's the case in Mexico though).




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