I have been trying to use tnftpd's conversion feature with programs of my own design instead of gzip or tar. However, it seems for every program I write, when the conversion feature is called for I get the following response:

  229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||19158|)

This doesn't happen when I just "get" a file, unless the conversion feature is invoked. Also, my program is in fortran, and if I include
a "getarg" command, the following message is returned by my ftp client:

  226-Command returned an exit status of 1
  226-Command error messages:
        /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: environment corrupt; missing value for a"(
        /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: environment corrupt; aborting
  226 Transfer complete.

instead of the standard output of my conversion. Running under 7.1 I got the same message, but also the correct file was transferred. Under 8.1 I don't get the file.

I am running tnftpd in a chroot environment, and the program works fine if I login to the server and do:

  chroot /var/ftp
  cd tmp
  ./program <test

where "program" is the compiled fortran program. I have compiled with and without the "-static" option, same results.

I can't find any tnftpd mailing list - is there somewhere better than freebsd-questions? Would the netbsd mailing list be out of place (it comes from netbsd). Is there an alternative ftp daemon with the conversion feature, other than the no longer supported wu-ftpd? (Pure-ftpd doesn't mention /etc/ftpconversion in its docs). Apparently the Solaris and Mac ftp daemons do support ftpconversions, but I don't know the source of their server, or if it is available.

Daniel Feenberg
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